Data Science GB

Data Science

Scania’s Data Science field has a wide variety of roles and positions across various areas of our organisation. Data Science is fundamental to our operations, empowering us to make well-informed decisions and foster innovation in the rapidly evolving landscape of transport. Join us in leveraging data to drive efficiency and innovation across our organisation! Explore job opportunities in Data Management and Engineering, as well as Data Analytics, and contribute to shaping Scania's future through data-driven insights and solutions.

Data Science

Scania’s Data Science field has a wide variety of roles and positions across various areas of our organisation. Data Science is fundamental to our operations, empowering us to make well-informed decisions and foster innovation in the rapidly evolving landscape of transport. Join us in leveraging data to drive efficiency and innovation across our organisation! Explore job opportunities in Data Management and Engineering, as well as Data Analytics, and contribute to shaping Scania's future through data-driven insights and solutions.

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